There are emergency procedures in place in multiple states due to extreme weather. >>Learn More

Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. >>Learn More

Also, you have until March 31 to set up  your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Clinics

Navy Medicine Readiness Training Unit Everett

NMRTU Everett Pharmacy is transitioning check-in procedures. Patients are requested to simply scan the available QR Code upon arrival and cite the reason for their visit. They will then be called upon as timely as possible.

NMRTU Everett Pharmacy
On Monday, March 24, 2025, Text Replies from Pharmacy Team members and Walk-in Lobby service will begin at 9:30 am
Normal hours will resume 25 March 2025
Normal Hours of Operation:
Q-Anywhere Texting hours:
7:30am – 3pm Monday – Wednesday & Friday
7:30 am – 12pm Thursday
To reach Pharmacy staff, text the words “Get in line” to 1-877-909-2512  
Walk-in Lobby Service hours:
8:30am – 12pm Monday – Friday
1pm – 3pm weekdays except Thursday
We are closed Thursday after 12pm, weekends and federal holidays.
  • Q-Anywhere order activation via text or weblink: Used to activate new/renewed prescriptions, for general questions:7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Monday – Friday, Except Thursday. We are closed Thursday after 12 p.m. for training.
  • Lobby Service Hours: For Refrigerated item pick up, same day dispensing service for new/renewed prescriptions, accepting hard-copies: 8:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Monday – Friday and 1 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. weekdays except Thursday
  • For additional Pharmacy needs, please contact us at 425-307-4053/4054

The NMRTU Everett Immunization Clinic is now providing the Pfizer Comirnaty 12+ vaccine [for ages 12 and older], available during walk in hours. Please note: Moderna vaccine is not available.

  • Immunization Clinic hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. for walk-ins and appointments, closed during 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for lunch/training. Patients with scheduled appointments will take precedence.
  • For more information contact NMRTU Everett Immunizations at the base clinic at (425) 304-4071.

click on image for step-by-step process instructions

Contact Us


Clinic: Mon - Fri: 7:30 - 4:00 pm. 
*Closed every Thursday from 1pm to 4pm




2000 W. Marine View Drive
Building 2010
Everett, WA 98207

Family Medicine
The Primary Care team consists of Family Medicine doctors, Physician Assistants and Independent Duty Corpsmen  providing a broad spectrum of care to include:

  • Routine and chronic medical problems

  • Diagnosis and treatment of new medical problems

  •  Sports/school physicals

  • Women's health care

  • Newborn check-ups

  • Minor procedures (skin biopsies, etc.)

Pediatrician specializes in child and adolescent healthcare from birth through age of 17 years old. The pediatrician provides a wide range of services including: v       Comprehensive medical care for routine, acute and  chronic medical conditions

  • Minor procedures (minor laceration repair, IV infusion, etc.) 

  • Immunizations

  • Examinations for sports participation

  • ADHD evaluation and treatment

  • School/ Daycare physicals

To book an appointment, call TRICARE Regional Appointment Center at 800.404.4506.
The Wart Treatment Clinic is held on Wednesdays.  Please contact Family Medicine Clinic at 425.304.4142/4162 to check on availability.
Physical Exams

The Physical Exam Department is a centralized location for active duty members and their families to complete the following examinations and physicals:

  • World Wide Assignment Suitability Screenings

  • Overseas Screenings

  • Sea duty Screenings

  • Retirement Physicals

  • Separation Physicals

  • Re-enlistment Screenings

  • Commissioning Physicals

  • Individual Augmentee  Screenings

  • Rescue Swimmer Physicals

Contact the Physical Exam Department at Everett 425.304.4055 for special duty screenings such as:

  • Sub Physicals

  • Dive  Physicals

  • Radiation Physicals

Contact the Physical Exam Department at Oak Harbor at 360.257.9576 for Special duty screenings such as:

  • Flight Physicals

  • Search Air and Rescue  Physicals

 To book appointments call the TRICARE regional appointment center at   800.404.4506.  For additional information contact the Physical Exam Department at 425.304.4055.

 Case Management
Case management promotes stability and reassurance by offering patients, families and providers an array of resources and alternatives through qualified agencies within the network and community. The case managers are available to assess, coordinate and evaluate the patient’s needs.
 Case management services:

  • Catastrophic illness or multiple trauma

  • Multiple medical problems

  • Chronic or terminal illness

  • Birth defects

  • Cancer

  • Head/ Spinal cord injury

  • Assist with special care for active duty and veterans needs

  • Coordinate transition to rehab, skilled nursing, or other intra-hospital transfers

  • Coordination of medical care and referrals

  • Cases that require extensive coordination of care

  • Exceptional Family Members new to the area

For additional services and information contact a Case Manager at 425.304.4068.

Mental Health Services
Psychology is diagnostic evaluation and medication management, as well as individual and group therapy. Our counselor therapist provides individual and group therapy, referrals to family service center and family therapy and stress management when indicated.
All appointments to mental health do not need a referral and is available via walk-ins. .


Occupational Health 

Occupational Health strives to prevent work-related injuries and illness by monitoring, maintaining and promoting well being of all active duty and civilian employees. Services provided include, but are not limited to: 

  • Medical surveillance Screening and Physicals (By appointment only)
  • Certification Screening and Physicals (By appointment only)
  • Hearing Conservation Program
  • Blood borne Pathogen Exposure/ follow-up  

Occupational heath also serves as a liaison for the Injured/ Ill worker program.
If you have any question or need to book an Appointment you can contact the occupational health department at 425-304-4083 

Industrial Hygiene

Industrial hygiene (IH) is an applied science that includes the recognition, evaluation, and control of occupational health hazards. Industrial Hygienists recognize,  evaluate, and recommend methods of control. Workplace hazards can include:

  • Noise
  • Heat
  • Light
  • Chemicals
  • ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
  • Biological hazards 

The industrial hygienist conducts surveys in accordance with operational navy instruction and OSHA requirements. Consultationsare conducted to help afloat and shore based commands achieve/ maintain medical readiness of personnel and prevent occupational illness. For additional in information or scheduling contact the Industrial hygiene department at 425-304-4084 

Periodic Health Assessment

The Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) department is responsible for active duty and reserve physicals on an annual basis or birth month recall. The PHA is a two part process. The Part I is the administration and review of the medical record, which updates patient’s health record and medical readiness, blood draws and immunizations. Part II is the appointment with a medical provider to review the part one and any health issues. The PHA will schedule Part II appointments with a provider. Any other questions can be answered by calling the PHA office at 425-304-4086.

 Preventive Medicine

Preventive Medicine provides specialty support to both shore and afloat commands. With increasing emphasis on the identification and resolution of preventable health problems, preventive medicine can assist commanders meet readiness responsibilities and improve community health. Support involves assistance in disease surveillance and control, environmental (including shipboard) sanitation, climatic injury prevention, as well as pest and disease vector control. 

 Specific programs Preventive Medicine provides: 

  • Sexual health education
  • Respirator fit testing
  • Seasonal influenza vaccinations campaign
  • Food service inspections and training
  • Habitability inspections 
  • Day-care inspections
For additional information on programs, services and scheduling contact the Preventive Medicine department at 425-304-4084 or 425-304-4085.
Dental Hours of Operation:
Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Sick Call Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 - 10:00am
(425) 304 - 4092 or (425) 304 - 4093
Dental Care:
The Dental Clinic provides services to all active duty personnel, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Public Health Service, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps, and Reservists who are activated for more than 30 days. The Dental Clinic is not staffed to treat family members or retirees.

 Services provided include: 
  • General Dentistry
  • Oral Diagnosis
  • Oral Surgery - extractions
  • Periodontics - cleanings
  • Endodontics - root canals
  • Prosthodontics - crowns and replacement of missing teeth
Active Duty - Sick Call is held 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., Monday-Friday. For after hours dental emergencies call 425.330.0815
Family members – Family members should be enrolled in the TRICARE Dental Plan operated by United Concordia.  Call 888.622.2256 or visit
Retirees – Retirees can enroll in the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program operated by Delta Dental.  Call 888.838.8737 or visit
Snohomish County Community Health Center provides emergent care for family members and retirees on a walk-in basis Monday-Friday   7:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for a fee.  Call 425.551.6001 for information.

For more information contact the Dental Clinic at 425.304.4092.

Optometry Clinic

Hours: Monday - Friday: 0730-1600.  Closed Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays.

To schedule a routine eye exam, please call PSMAC: (800) 404-4506

  • If you need a separation physical, retirement physical, driver's license screening or any other physical with paperwork filled out, you may walk-in during normal business hours for these services.
  • If you have already seen the doctor recently and are trying to schedule a follow-up appointment or only need to have your eyes dilated, please call: (425) 304-4063 or you may stop by in person to schedule an appointment.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment for screening tests and bring your ID card, glasses & contact lenses with you.

Scope of Care:

The Optometry Clinic provides comprehensive optometric care to Active Duty and Diabetic Prime Patients. While we typically see all Prime patients, recently we have experienced short-staffing and are focusing on meeting access to care standards for our active duty patients.

Services include:

  • Routine Eye Exams
  • Diabetic Eye Exams
  • Primary Eye Care
  • Ocular Disease Care
  • Contact lens fittings are not a Tricare benefit. However, as a courtesy, we provide contact lens updates (we renew contact lens prescriptions.) Unfortunately, due to the materials and manpower required, we are not able to offer initial contact lens fittings for new contact lens wearers as we have very few contact lens trials available in office.

Glasses Eligibility:


1 Frame of Choice per year (clear lenses only)

1 Standard Issue (clear lenses)

1 Standard Issue (tinted lenses)

1 Gas Mask Insert as required (deployable command)

1 SCBA Mask Insert as required (deployable command)

1 ESS Insert as required (Army, Marines)


1 Standard Issue or 1 Frame of Choice per year plus inserts (if not on Active Duty orders)

Same as Active Duty (if on Active Duty orders for 31 days or more)


1 Standard Issue only (bifocal/trifocals) OR

1 Standard Issue for Near & 1 Standard Issue for Distance


Refractive Surgery Information:

Laser eye surgery i.e. PRK, LASIK is currently being offered only for active duty at Naval Hospital Bremerton:

Patients interested in a refractive surgery consult should first schedule an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam with Optometry.

In order to be considered for surgery, patients must meet the following standards:

  • Active duty
  • > 21 years old
  • Minimum of 1 year left on active duty
  • Stable glasses prescription with two separate eye exams over the period of one year (please bring a copy of your last civilian eyeglass prescription if this is your first comprehensive eye exam in the military as boot camp or military processing screenings do not count as comprehensive eye exams for refractive surgery purposes)
  • Glasses prescription within certain limits
OptometryThe Optometry Department provides the following services to enrolled beneficiaries.
  • Routine examinations for glasses
  • Comprehensive eye health assessment
  • Management of eye diseases and injuries 
  • Contact lens prescription updates (new fittings are not available, must have current contacts and prescription)
  • Laser eye surgery screening services are available for Active Duty  (the first step in being considered for surgery is a full eye exam with Optometry)
 To book an appointment call TRICARE Regional Appointment Center at
800.404.4506.  For additional information contact 425.304.4063.

Physical Therapy Clinic Services Provide: 
  • Musculoskeletal evaluations
  • Therapeutic exercise programs
  • Modality Treatments
Available to: active duty and reservists
Hours: 0730-1600 M-W, F. 0730-1130 TH
Phone: (425) 304 - 4112

Radiology X-ray Clinic Services Provide: 
  • Digital diagnostic x-ray imaging
  • Transfer of record assistance 
Available to: active duty, family members, reserves, and retirees
Hours: 0700-1600 M-F
Phone: (425) 304 - 4069
Laboratory Provides:
Comprehensive and routine laboratory testing.
Fasting labs require 12 hours no food. Water and black coffee with no cream or sugar is permitted.
No results will be given over the phone, they must be accessed through CHCS by a medical provider.
The lab does not provide any test results. Please call the Triage nurse at (425) 304-4138/4098.
Walk-in pregnancy testing.
Available to: Active Duty, DOD, Dependents and Reservists.
Hours: 0730-1600
Phone: (425) 304-4174
Fax:     (425) 304-4166

For Driving Directions to Naval Branch Health clinic Click Here
If you are in need of a sponsor or would like to contact your sponsor please Click Here
If you have a Patient Complaint and woukld like to contact some here at the Clinic Click Here

Medical Records

The Medical Records Department maintains a “Closed Medical Records System” and provides the following services to enrolled beneficiaries:
  • Perform Mini Registration within CHCS/ AHLTA for all new check-in personnel
  • Automatic delivery of health records for scheduled in house appointments
  • Release of pertinent medical history for civilian referrals
Any family member over the age of 14 must provide consent for non-medical staff to access health information. Disclosure form can be obtained at the medical records section.
For additional information contact the Medical Records Department at 425.304.4064.

Exceptional Family Member Program

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory enrollment program for families that have a member that has special needs and qualifies as an Exceptional Family Member.  The EFMP works with military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated community support, housing, educational, and medical services. EFMP goals are to:
  • Coordinate overseas screenings to confirm availability of medical and educational support at overseas locations
  • Identify those who require assignment within major medical areas
  • Identify those who are eligible for homesteading
For additional information contact EFMP coordinator at 425.304.4070.

Health Benefits Advisor

The Health Benefits Advisor provides information and assistance on TRICARE and civilian health care programs and policies. Health Benefits Advisor advises patients regarding their options for care and assists customers on program entitlements, requirements and claim processing. Contact the Health Benefits Advisor at 360.475.4651.
Commonly Used Phone #
After Hours Provider Access                                         425-304-4060
Case Management                                                        425-304-4068
Dental Clinic                                                                  425-304-4092
EFMP Coordinator                                                         425-304-4070
Family Medicine                                                             425-304-4162/4142
Health Education                                                            425-304-4122
Health Benefits Advisor                                                  360-475-4651
Health Promotion                                                            425-304-4037
Immunizations                                                                425-304-4071
Laboratory                                                                      425-304-4174
Medical Records                                                            425-304-4064
Occupational Health                                                      425-304-4083
Optometry                                                                      425-304-4063
Pharmacy                                                                       425-304-4053
Pharmacy Refills                                                            800-422-1383
Physical Exams                                                              425-304-4055
Physical Therapy                                                           425-304-3936
Radiology                                                                       425-304-4069
United Healthcare Military & Veterans                           877-988-9378
TRICARE Regional Appointment Center (TRAC)          800-404-4506


Pharmacy Hours: Mon/Tue/Wed/Fri: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m. to noon

Pharmacy Information: Use TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery to order up to a 90-day supply of your prescription for the same copayment as a 30-day supply at a retail pharmacy. See for information.

Accepts electronic prescriptions from civilian providers.

Order Refills Online


I’m on Light Duty, now what?

♦ When you are placed on a Light Duty status, your medical provider anticipates your health condition will improve enough to return to full duty within 30 days.
♦ You will be required to regularly follow up with your health care provider as directed, because Light Duty is renewed in 30 day increments
♦ It is important for you to communicate with your unit’s Deployability Coordinator because you are still deployable when on Light Duty status
♦ You are authorized a maximum of 90 days of Light Duty before your health situation is referred to a Medical Evalua-tion Board to determine if your health condition(s) requires placement on Limited Duty, however, placement on a Limited Duty status can occur before 90 days if your health condition(s) is expected to require more than 90 con-secutive days of treatment and recovery before you can return to full duty

I’m on Temporary Limited Duty, now what?

♦ There are two types of Limited Duty—Temporary Limited Duty or Permanent Limited Duty
♦ Once a Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) meets about your health condition, they will determine what medical limi-tations or restrictions are necessary for you to return to full duty
♦ If you are placed on Temporary Limited Duty status, it means the local MEB members anticipate your health condition(s) will improve within a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 364 days, any extension beyond this will require a waiver be submitted and approved by PERS-454
♦ It is important for you to communicate with your unit’s Deployability Coordinator because you are not deployable when on Temporary Limited Duty status
♦ You will be required to regularly follow up with your health care provider, as directed by treating military clinic
♦ Your unit’s Deployability Coordinator remains your main point of contact throughout your Temporary Limited Duty status. You are not eligible to transfer, re-enlist, or apply for retirement in a TLD status.

I ‘m not expected to Return to Full Duty within 364 days, now what?

♦ If it is decided at any time during your TLD that you are or will be unable to return to medically unrestricted duty, and no later than 30 days from expiration of Temporary Limited Duty, your case will be referred to the Disability Evaluation System (DES) for a fitness decision by the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB)
♦ If referred to DES, the MEB will determine conditions to be referred for fitness decision by the PEB, which will deliberate whether you can perform the “physical requirements of your office, grade, rank, and/or rating” Possible outcomes include:
♦ Administrative discharge if the MEB decides the case does not meet the eligibility criteria for a disability evaluation referral; ♦ A finding of “RETURN TO DUTY” by the MEB or "FIT" to continue in service by the PEB A finding of “UNFIT for continued naval service” leading to medical retirement, separation for disability, or a waiver Once a referral is made to the Disability Evaluation System, you are not deployable unless found “FIT” and screened for world wide assignment

I’ve been granted Permanent Limited Duty, now what?

♦ Permanent Limited Duty status is the continuation on active duty or Ready Reserve after the Physical Evaluation Board found you “unfit for continued Naval Service” It must be requested by you, endorsed by your chain of command and approved by BUPERS.
♦ Permanent Limited Duty status, is often based on how close you are to a 20 year retirement, as well as the needs of the Navy
♦ If you are approved for Permanent Limited Duty status you will be assigned to an area where required medical care is available and shall remain in that area for the remainder of your Naval Service.Permanent Limited Duty status must be evaluated through the DES at least 6 months prior to approved separation

What are the key takeaways?

♦ Your unit’s Deployability Coordinator is your main point of contact throughout the Limited Duty process. He/she/they are responsible for 1) maintaining close contact with the Military Treatment Facility where you receive your care ; 2) maintaining contact with the hospital if your condition changes; and 3) scheduling necessary appointments, prior to expiration of your Temporary Limited Duty status, by coordinating with the Military Treatment Facility’s Deployability Coordinator.
♦ If you fail to comply with your responsibility to remain individually medically ready to deploy (for example-not showing up for scheduled appointment, not completing ordered treatment, or intentionally withholding a condition that impacts your ability to deploy) your command/unit is directed to use written counseling and evaluation reports to document these actions.
♦ Deploying in support of operational missions, when not medically ready, is a risk to you, your fellow Service membersand the lethality of our joint forces.
♦ Finally, failure to follow the program requirements is a direct violation of article 86 (failure to go to appointed place of duty) and article 92 (failure to follow a lawful order) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Legal and administrative actions may be taken 
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.