Internal Medicine
Services open to: Enrolled Active-Duty, Active-Duty Family Members and Retirees.

The Neurology Clinic will relocate with ENT/Audiology, second floor, room 2001, Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
Neurology phone number will remain the same: 475-4940/4947.
Internal Medicine is Adult Medicine. Physicians who practice Internal Medicine are called Internists. Internists can treat non-surgical diseases of the internal organs, such as the heart, stomach, kidney, liver, and blood. Our Internists provide primary care (general health care, screenings, and other medical issues) as well as treat complicated and severe diseases. With a referral from your Primary Care Manager (PCM), we also provide consultative care for certain diseases.
You may also schedule appointments with your PCM by calling the Puget Sound Military Appointment Center (PSMAC) at (800) 404-4506 (M-F: 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., weekends 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., closed federal holidays).
Did you know, you can request medication refills or send a secure message through your MHS Genesis Patient Portal to providers? Access the Patient Portal at*
Unable to access your Patient Portal account, you may request medication refills or leave a voicemail for the Internal Medicine Clinic and the Specialty Clinics including Dermatology, Pulmonology/Respiratory, and Neurology; by calling (360) 475-4000 option 6, then option 9.
*For assistance accessing your MHS Genesis Patient Portal or questions regarding Logon visit or call (800) 477-8227.
Late night medical questions? Not sure if you need to visit an Emergency Department (ED) or Urgent Care Clinic (UCC)? With the Military Health System (MHS) Nurse Advice Line, you can get advice from a registered nurse anytime, 24/7. Whether you have a medical concern, not sure if you need an appointment, or need health care advice while traveling, the MHS Nurse Advice Line is only a phone call away. Call the MHS Nurse Advice Line for help
24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (800) TRICARE (874-2273), option 1.
Last updated: 08 MAR 2023