There are emergency procedures in place in multiple states due to extreme weather. >>Learn More

Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. >>Learn More

Also, you have until March 31 to set up  your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Patient Resources

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

The primary goal of the EFMP is to ensure Service members are assigned only to those geographic areas where the medical (physical, developmental or mental health) or educational needs of their family members can be met. Special emphasis should be placed on the member’s obligation to maintain worldwide assignability and meet the needs of the Navy, which may require Service members to serve on unaccompanied tours. Additionally, the EFMP ensures family member’s special needs are supported throughout the Service member’s career.
Office: 3520, HP-01, Naval Hospital Bremerton

EFMP Explained

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a Chief of Naval Operations directed, mandatory detailing program designed to assist service members with family members who require special medical, mental health or educational needs/considerations and their detailers to ensure the service member doesn’t receive orders to a geographical region where those special needs/considerations can’t be met.
The EFMP is intended to be as least restrictive as possible, allowing service members to maintain their prescribed sea/shore rotation and remain competitive for advancement.  The EFMP does not restrict type of duty for the service member or prevent the service member from deploying.
It is primarily the sponsor’s responsibility to enroll their family member in EFMP as soon as they are aware the family member has a medical, mental health or educational special need which may be duty limiting.  Other ways identification of a need to enroll in the EFMP include referral by a medical professional, referral by an institution for early intervention or school district or identification of a qualifying condition during the suitability screening process.
There are five permanent categories and one temporary category. Categories 1-5 require update every three years or if there is a change in condition of the family member.  Category Six requires update every 6-12 months until the family member is removed from the EFMP or their category is changed to a permanent category.
Categories are assigned by one of the two Central Screening Committees located in San Diego, California and Norfolk, Virginia.  That category recommendation is then forwarded to (Deployability Assessment and Assignment Branch) PERS 454 for approval.  Once approved by PERS 454, the member’s detailing record is flagged to notify the member’s detailer of any detailing restrictions there may be.
The detailing record does not contain medical information.  The detailer’s information is limited to the assigned category which has any possible restrictions already assigned.
The member’s EFMP status IS NOT included in any advancement package that may be reviewed by a promotion board.  Being enrolled in the EFMP DOES NOT affect promotion or the member’s career [That is a myth that has been perpetuated for years, by people with no factual knowledge of the program].

EMPF Categories

Permanent Categories
Category 1:  No restrictions.  Monitoring purposes only. (there are many reasons a Category 1 may be assigned, for example, the care needed by the family member is minimal, but has the potential to increase in the future and the condition needs to be monitored.)
Category 2:  No restrictions at non-remote locations in the continental United States (CONUS).  May have some remote or overseas restrictions based on military treatment facility or educational capabilities of that location.
Category 3:  Some remote CONUS and (outside the continental U.S.) OCONUS restrictions.  Family member must be found suitable for permanent change of station (PCS) orders to that location through completion of a suitability screen.
Category 4:  CONUS assignment near a major medical facility only.
Category 5:  Stabilization (formerly known as homesteading) eligible. Stabilization is assigned when a family member has a condition such that continuity of care is critical to the success of their treatment or conditions that have the potential to worsen with significant change).
Category 6 is a temporary category, assigned when a family member’s condition requires closer monitoring or when the condition isn’t yet clearly defined with a definitive treatment plan, such as high risk pregnancy, cancer, etc.

Enrollment, Update and Disenrollment Process

The Enrollment, Disenrollment and Update processes are identical with the exception of disenrollment secondary to divorce, death of the exceptional family member, or loss of custody of the EFM child.
To qualify for the EFMP, the family member has to reside with the sponsor, be listed on the sponsor’s pg. 2 and have a qualifying condition.
To enroll, disenrollment or update an EFMP registration, a DD Form 2792 (Jan 2021) must be completed for all and a DD Form 2792-1 (Jan 2021) must be completed on all children receiving special education or early intervention services under an Individualized Education Plan/Program (IEP) and/or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
DD Form 2792 contains demographic information that is completed and signed by either parent or guardian, for children under the age of 18.  Family members over the age of 18 (spouse/adult child), the forms must be signed by that person, and medical information that is completed by the family member’s PCM or specialist (Physician, Physician’s Assistant, Nurse Practitioner only)
DD Form 2792-1 contains demographic information completed and signed by the parent unless the child is over age 18.  Students over age 18 must sign their form themselves, and educational information completed and signed by the early intervention institution or school district.
Once the forms are properly completed, the forms are submitted, along with a copy of the current and active IEP/IFSP if applicable and any additional amplifying information, to the EFMP staff, located in the Patient Administration Department, third floor, Naval Hospital Bremerton.
The EFMP staff will review the package for accuracy and to ensure the package is complete, complete the administrative information, sign the forms, make a copy of the complete package for the service or family member, and upload the package into the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS).
The service member will be notified via auto-generated emails to the primary email address listed in NFAAS advising them of the progress of the EFMP package.
Disenrollment in cases of divorce, death or loss of custody, a serialized memorandum on command letterhead, signed ‘by direction’ IAW MILPERSMAN 1300-700, pg. 7; para. 8.

Regional MTF Coordinator

Located in the Main Hospital,
Third Floor, Patient Administration, One Boone Road, Bremerton, WA, 98312
Office: 360-475-4215/360-475-4588
Administers the EFMP at the regional level.
Assist EFMP families with Enrollment, Update and Disenrollment in the EFMP
Assist service members with negotiation of orders
Train and assist MTF providers in all aspects of the EFMP, to include their responsibilities
Refer families to Fleet and Family Service Center (FFSC) for assistance obtaining services from outside of the MTF
Only regional authority in the EFMP – primarily represents the interests of the Navy
Naval Base Kitsap Fleet and Family Support Center Case Liaison
Case Liaison Group Phone: 360-908-8794
Case Liaison Group Email:

Non-medical case manager.  Assists family in obtaining services required to meet their EFM’s needs
Coordinate EFMP friendly activities
Maintain periodic contact with EFMP families to monitor change in needs or difficulty obtaining services
Primarily represents the interests of the EFMP families
Primary POC for Category letters
Conduct periodic Command POC training

Contact a Representative

To find an EFMP representative, visit the Military Installations website.

For assistance with this program please contact:

Contact Us


(360) 475-4616


Naval Hospital Bremerton
HP-01, 3520

Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.